freecodecamp_我们使用freeCodeCamp课程创建了本地免费编码学校。 这是我们学到的东西。
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While this picture shows an in-person classroom, we have moved our school fully remote as a result of the COVID-19 situation.


If you want to learn how to code, there are generally three options to choose from:


  1. You can teach yourself and find your own curriculum.

  2. Go to college and get a computer science/IT degree.

    上大学并获得计算机科学/ IT学位。
  3. Or attend a coding school. Coding schools are hands-on crash courses that are designed to get you up to speed quickly so you can find your first software development job within three months to one year.

    或参加编码学校。 编码学校是动手实践的速成班,旨在帮助您快速入门,以便您可以在三个月至一年内找到自己的第一份软件开发工作。

Option number one is the cheapest, but also the most frustrating and difficult. It's so easy to get stuck along the way and want to give up.

第一选择权是最便宜的,但也是最令人沮丧和困难的。 很容易陷入困境并想放弃。

Options two and three could work out well, if you can afford to take time off work (or at least work fewer hours), pay the tuition plus living expenses while you are attending and looking for a job, and still be able to manage your family and personal life. Not everyone is able to do that.

如果您有能力请假(或至少减少工作时间),在上班和找工作时支付学费和生活费,那么第二和第三个选项可能会很好地解决问题。家庭和个人生活。 并非每个人都能做到这一点。

This is why we created . It's a free coding program based off of the freeCodeCamp curriculum where we guide students through part-time coding school programs for three months.

这就是我们创建 。 这是一个基于freeCodeCamp课程的免费编码程序,在该课程中,我们将指导学生进行为期三个月的兼职编码学校课程。

We have two two-hour classes per week - Monday and Wednesday from 6-8 pm, where we teach them everything from HTML basics to JavaScript and Intro to React.


The students are expected to spend at least 6 hours per week studying on their own, and can optionally attend office hours on Sundays that we hold from 1-5 pm. If they complete the first three months, then they are able to attend a second three month program, where they can learn about back-end web development in Node.js.

预计学生每周至少要花费6个小时自己学习,并且可以选择在我们下午1-5点举行的星期日参加办公时间。 如果他们完成了前三个月的学习,则可以参加第二三个月的计划,在那里他们可以在Node.js中了解后端Web开发。

We started working on this idea over a year ago and it's exciting to be able to say that we completed our first cohort in May. Now we can share what we have learned in this article.

一年多以前,我们就开始研究这个想法,可以说我们在5月完成了我们的第一个队列,这真是令人兴奋。 现在,我们可以分享我们在本文中学到的知识。

我们建立免费编码学校的目标 (Our Goal in Building a Free Coding School)

Our goal from the beginning was to provide accessible, supportive education for everyone regardless of income or life circumstances (like ability to take time off work).


We are not trying to compete with bootcamps or regular coding schools – they also provide a valuable service for students. We are just trying to have another, more accessible option for people who need a more flexible schedule or cannot afford a paid coding school.

我们不打算与训练营或常规编码学校竞争,它们也为学生提供了宝贵的服务。 对于那些需要更灵活的时间表或无力负担有偿编码学校的人们,我们只是试图提供另一个更易用的选择。

Students will receive guidance and direction from the staff, volunteers, and members of the community throughout the program, and as alumni afterward.


Of course, we want our students to be able to get jobs in the industry if that is their goal. But we do not have the resources to guarantee anything. We just want to provide as much support as we can for the students whether they decide to keep learning on their own, or go to a more formal program, like a coding school or college.

当然,如果这是他们的目标,我们希望我们的学生能够在行业中找到工作。 但是我们没有资源可以保证任何事情。 我们只是想为学生提供尽可能多的支持,无论他们是决定自己继续学习还是参加更为正规的课程,例如编码学校或大学。

Like I mentioned before, it took us about a year to get everything set up - between finding the space and instructors, as well as deciding on the type of program and curriculum. Here is everything that went into our program preparation.

就像我之前提到的,我们花了大约一年的时间来设置所有东西-在寻找空间和讲师之间,以及确定课程和课程的类型之间。 这是我们程序准备的所有内容。

我们如何计划计划 (How We Planned the Program)

The first things we did were choose the length of time and goals for the program. We landed on having three-month-long classes where the students would learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JS, with some extras like Bootstrap and React Components.

我们要做的第一件事是选择程序的时间长度和目标。 我们着手进行为期三个月的课程,让学生学习HTML,CSS和JS的基础知识,以及诸如Bootstrap和React Components之类的其他内容。

If everything went well, our goal was to take a month off and host a level two course for the students who completed the first one. Level two would be another three months where we would build off of what we taught in level one and teach more about JavaScript frameworks and introduce Node.js.

如果一切顺利,我们的目标是放假一个月,为完成第一门课程的学生举办第二级课程。 第二级将是另外三个月,我们将在第一级的基础上继续学习,并进一步学习JavaScript框架并介绍Node.js。

Starting small with just a three month part-time program helped us to be able to learn and make adjustments as we went along. It also gave the students a short, time-based goal to be able to complete the program and have a small portfolio in just a few months.

从三个月的兼职课程开始,我们从小开始就可以学习和进行调整。 它还为学生提供了一个简短的基于时间的目标,使其能够完成该计划并在短短几个月内拥有少量投资组合。

. We are in the process of updating and open-sourcing our material as we go along.

。 我们正在不断更新和开放我们的资料。

采用freeCodeCamp的课程 (Adopting freeCodeCamp's Curriculum)

Curriculum development is time consuming and expensive. Fortunately, freeCodeCamp already has an awesome free curriculum that we can use and modify with no strings attached.

课程开发既耗时又昂贵。 幸运的是,freeCodeCamp已经有了一个很棒的免费课程,我们可以在不附加任何字符串的情况下使用和修改它。

We took freeCodeCamp's curriculum and followed it as an outline for our lectures. We used the challenges as assignments for students to complete between classes. We also used freeCodeCamp's projects as individual and group assignments along the way.

我们选择了FreeCodeCamp的课程,并按照它作为我们演讲的大纲。 我们将挑战作为作业,让学生在课间完成。 在此过程中,我们还将freeCodeCamp的项目用作个人和小组作业。

Throughout the lessons, we also encouraged students to try to do a little bit of extra work to be able to get their freeCodeCamp certifications during, or after the end of, the program.


我们如何找到举办课堂的空间 (How We Found a Space to Host Classes)

The Indianapolis Public Library generously agreed to host our classes and give us space for office hours as well. The size of the space in the computer lab was limited, so the maximum number of students we could take per class was 22.

印第安纳波利斯公共图书馆慷慨地同意举办我们的课程,并为我们提供办公时间。 计算机实验室的空间有限,因此每堂课最多可容纳22名学生。

We could have used a larger conference room in the library to accommodate a larger class, but then we wouldn't have been able to take students who didn't own a laptop – and that wouldn't have been very accessible for everyone.


We didn't plan to be a remote program, so we had to adjust our classes to use Discord for lectures and all student communication when COVID-19 happened. More on that later.

我们不打算成为远程程序,因此当COVID-19发生时,我们不得不调整班级以使用Discord进行演讲和所有学生沟通。 以后再说。

我们如何选择技术工具 (How we Chose Technology Tools)

We prepared a Discourse forum (like the freeCodeCamp forum) before the classes started so students could log in, get announcements, ask questions, and post assignments. It also gave the admin staff some privileges to keep track of students and moderate student interactions.

在课程开始之前,我们准备了一个Discourse论坛(如freeCodeCamp论坛),以便学生登录,获取公告,提出问题和发布作业。 它还为管理员提供了一些特权,可以跟踪学生并进行适度的学生互动。

我们如何管理学校 (How we Administered the School)

寻找学生 (Finding Students)

When we were planning this program, our worry was that we would not get enough interest and all our planning would be for nothing. The reality was that we had way too much interest and could not accommodate every student. For 22 slots, we had over 140 people who wanted to participate! And that was without doing that much marketing.

当我们计划这个程序时,我们担心的是我们不会得到足够的兴趣,而我们所有的计划都将一事无成。 现实情况是,我们有太多兴趣,无法容纳每个学生。 对于22个老虎机,我们有140多人希望参加! 那就是没有做太多的营销。

It was very exciting to get so much interest in our program, but we also had to decide which students to take and how to choose in a fair way.


We decided to whittle down the field by requiring people to show up for three pre-screening activities where they would complete some basic challenges, like . This let us know which students were dedicated to showing up and got the number of people in line down to around 80. That was still too way too many for the space we had so had to do a random lottery to select the final students.

我们决定通过要求人们参加三场预筛查活动来削弱这一领域,以完成一些基本挑战,例如 。 这让我们知道哪些学生专门参加了比赛,并将排队的人数减少到80人左右。对于我们所需要的空间,这仍然太多了,因此不得不抽签选择最终的学生。

教学生 (Teaching Students)

Every student learns differently and has their own personality and preferences. It's unreasonable to expect that we can just lecture the students for an hour and they will all be able to pick up all that information and build the lab without issue.

每个学生的学习方式各不相同,都有自己的个性和喜好。 期望我们只给学生一个小时的授课时间,他们都将能够获取所有这些信息并毫无问题地建立实验室,这是不合理的。

We decided on a format for lectures where we start off every lecture by asking if anyone has questions – usually we don't get many. Then, we go into the slides, and pause every ~15 minutes to give the students guided 'labs' so they can try out coding on their own with the support of having instructions and still being able to ask questions in the classroom.

我们决定了一种演讲形式,从每场演讲开始,先问是否有人有问题-通常我们很少。 然后,我们进入幻灯片,每隔约15分钟暂停一下,为学生提供指导的“实验室”,这样他们就可以在有指示但仍然可以在教室里提问的情况下,自己尝试编码。

We also often leave the last 30+ minutes of the 2-hours classes for the students to be able to work on their class projects.


收集作业 (Collecting Assignments)

Some people don't turn in assignments. This could mean they are shy about sharing their code where other students can see, or that they just don't think it's necessary since it's a free coding school after all, and some of their classmates aren't doing it either.

有些人不交作业。 这可能意味着他们不愿意在其他学生可以看到的地方共享他们的代码,或者他们根本就没有必要,因为毕竟这是一所免费的编码学校,而且有些同学也没有这样做。

If it's the former, then we encourage them to share assignments with just the staff and let them know that we have all been in their shoes before.


If they aren't turning in assignments because they don't want to... well, there isn't much we can do about that. We try to discourage students from joining the class who don't want to fully participate in the program.

如果他们因为不想这么做而没有上交任务……好吧,我们对此无能为力。 我们试图阻止不想完全参加该计划的学生加入班级。

The assignments were originally being turning in on the forum, but we were getting really low engagement on there. Students weren't logging in very often and they were never asking questions there.

作业原本是在论坛上提交的,但是我们在该论坛上的参与度很低。 学生很少登录,也从未在那里问过问题。

Now assignments are turned in via a Discord channel on the server we have for our coding school.


Since we manage our whole program from the same Discord server – including hosting lectures, answering questions, and managing the program – we are seeing an increase in the number of assignments turned in. We are also getting more useful feedback that students are getting from staff and volunteers.


截止期限 (Deadlines)

Should we have deadlines for turning in projects? Our opinion right now is no, we shouldn't.

我们应该有提交项目的截止日期吗? 目前我们的意见是不,我们不应该。

Most of the first cohort got a bit behind and some of them finished the program weeks after the end. Should we punish people who finish, but just not on time? We don't think so and here is why: Everyone learns at their own pace.

最初的大多数人都落后了一些,其中有些人在结束后的数周内完成了该计划。 我们应该惩罚那些完成但没有按时完成的人吗? 我们不这么认为,这就是原因:每个人都按照自己的进度学习。

If someone finishes in 3 months and another student in 4 months, then they both should be rewarded the same for completing the program.


Someday, we will be able to have rolling admissions for our coding and help students at a more granular level. Until then, the least we can do is stay flexible to accommodate them and let them turn in the rest of the projects whenever they can.

总有一天,我们将可以滚动录取我们的编码,并在更细粒度的层次上帮助学生。 在此之前,我们要做的至少是保持灵活性以容纳他们,并让他们尽可能地上交其余项目。

让学生寻求帮助 (Getting Students to Ask for Help)

This has been one of our biggest problems! Some people fall behind and some students are confused but don't want to ask for help. Some students are so confused that they don't even know what kind of help to ask for.

这一直是我们最大的问题之一! 有些人落伍了,有些学生感到困惑,但不想寻求帮助。 有些学生很困惑,以至于他们甚至都不知道要寻求什么样的帮助。

You can't really force people to get help, but you can prompt them. The best way we have found to get them to ask questions is to do short review segments at the beginning of lectures and have scheduled study times where students can pop in and ask questions in a much smaller group setting.

您不能真正强迫人们获得帮助,但是可以提示他们。 我们发现让他们提出问题的最好方法是,在授课开始时进行简短的复习,并安排学习时间,让学生可以在小组更小的情况下参加并提出问题。

If they prefer to type out the question, they can post it in the student chat or send a private message to one of the organizers.


We can only do so much. If students are lost or confused and don't want to ask for help, there is no way for us to fix that. We try hard to meet them where they are, but they also have to make some effort to come to us.

我们只能做很多事情。 如果学生迷路或困惑,不想寻求帮助,我们将无法解决。 我们努力与他们见面,但他们也必须付出一些努力才能找到我们。

学生调查 (Student Surveys)

Performing regular student surveys is really helping us to get critical feedback for our program.


Our first time through, we collected information about student goals and background at the beginning, then took a student survey at the half-way point - around 6 weeks in – and then another survey at the end.


While we received a lot of good information, in hindsight, we should have taken more surveys and added a few more questions. This time, we will probably perform surveys to get student feedback every month. Here are some of the questions we are asking:

尽管我们收到了很多很好的信息,但事后看来,我们应该进行更多的调查,并添加更多的问题。 这次,我们可能会进行调查,以每月获得学生的反馈。 以下是我们要问的一些问题:

  1. What do you think about the program so far? Is it meeting your expectations?

    到目前为止,您对该程序有何看法? 符合您的期望吗?
  2. Do you feel like the lectures are helpful for doing the assignments?

  3. How can we better help you achieve your goals?

  4. Do you have any other feedback for us?


处理辍学 (Dealing with Drop Outs)

Life happens, things change. We have to understand that students who fully intend to participate might have to drop out due to unavoidable circumstances.

生活会发生,事情会改变。 我们必须了解,由于不可避免的情况,完全打算参加的学生可能不得不退学。

If they communicate with us about the situation, we offer them a spot in the next cohort.


If they simply do not show up or communicate with us, then they are free to reapply in the future, but no spot will be saved for them.


员工与义工 (Staff and Volunteers)

招募志愿者 (Soliciting Volunteers)

Without volunteers, it would be quite overwhelming to run a program like this. Here are some of the different types of volunteers you will need to be successful.

没有志愿者,运行这样的程序将是不堪重负的。 这是您需要成功才能获得的一些不同类型的志愿者。

职责: (Responsibilities:)

  1. Organizers – Yes, we are volunteers too. We are fortunate to have an amazing team of organizers who run the program. This includes myself, two other developers, and a computer lab supervisor from the library who also knows how to code. We chat several times per week in Discord to make sure the program is running smoothly and students are progressing. I think 3-5 is a pretty good number for an organizing team, but we might add more to do specific things, such as 'community manager' or 'volunteer coordinator.'

    组织者–是的,我们也是志愿者。 我们很幸运有一个出色的组织者团队来运行该程序。 这包括我本人,另外两名开发人员,以及来自图书馆的计算机实验室主管,他们也知道如何编码。 我们每周在Discord中聊天几次,以确保程序运行顺利并且学生正在进步。 我认为3-5对组织团队来说是一个不错的数字,但是我们可能会增加一些工作来做特定的事情,例如“社区经理”或“志愿者协调员”。

  2. Presenters – These people give lectures during class times or special help sessions held on weekends usually. This is the hardest type of volunteering to manage. In our program, the lectures are 1.5-2 hours long and there are only 24 of them, so every single one has to be on point and flow with the rest of the curriculum. Some well-meaning volunteers might not be the right fit for giving lectures for people who are brand new to development. It is very important to be clear about what you want them to cover in the lecture, down to the individual points and expected learning outcomes. We also made sure to give volunteers a boilerplate slide deck to work off of so it matched the rest of the curriculum.

    演示者–这些人通常在上课时间或通常在周末举行的特殊帮助会议上进行演讲。 这是最难管理的志愿者类型。 在我们的课程中,讲座的时间为1.5至2小时,只有24个,因此每个课程都必须与其他课程保持一致。 一些善意的志愿者可能不适合为刚接触开发的人们开设讲座。 明确您希望他们在讲座中讲到的内容,直至个别要点和预期的学习成果,这一点非常重要。 我们还确保为志愿者提供一个样板幻灯片平台,以便使其与课程的其他部分相匹配。

  3. Mentors – Students will not only have coding questions, but also have questions about their careers, networking, etc. Mentorship is great for answering these types of questions. We are currently working on setting up our mentorship program where volunteer mentors will check in with students at least once per week to make sure they are on track and answer any questions they have. One of the reasons for the delay is we have been working on a system for how to handle any complaints of inappropriate language or behavior that might take place when students meet one on one with volunteers.

    导师–学生不仅会遇到编码问题,还会对自己的职业,人际关系等产生疑问。导师制对于回答这类问题非常有用。 目前,我们正在制定导师计划,志愿者导师将每周至少与学生进行一次签到,以确保他们在进度上并回答任何问题。 延误的原因之一是我们一直在研究一种系统,该系统如何处理当学生与志愿者一对一见面时可能发生的有关不当语言或行为的任何投诉。

  4. Lab Assistants – Lab assistants are there to help out synchronously during live lab sessions, usually with problems running software or debugging. We utilized lab assistants much more when we held in-person classes. With things being remote, we can't see the students' screens so we have had to just have a few people available to answer questions in the chat if people get stuck.

    实验室助手–实验室助手会在现场实验会话期间为您提供同步帮助,通常是在运行软件或调试时遇到问题。 当我们举行现场授课时,我们更多地利用了实验室助手。 由于事情很遥远,我们看不到学生的屏幕,因此如果有人被卡住,我们只能让几个人来回答聊天中的问题。

  5. General Helpers – These people help answer students' questions in the chat and perform other tasks like reviewing projects and portfolios. They are also useful for students to rubber duck off of or for encouragement.

    一般帮助人员–这些人可以帮助您在聊天中回答学生的问题,并执行其他任务,例如审查项目和项目组合。 它们也对学生减轻或鼓励学生很有用。

义工手册 (Volunteer Handbook)

We made a two-page handbook detailing expectations for volunteer behavior as well as requirements for participation in our program. It's pretty basic right now, but we will be building off of it as we go along I'm sure.

我们制作了两页的手册,详细介绍了对志愿者行为的期望以及参与计划的要求。 现在这是非常基本的,但是我敢肯定,我们会在此基础上继续发展。

We also give them a link to the because it's short, sweet, and to the point: be kind, understanding, etc.


确保员工拥有成功的工具 (Making Sure Staff has the Tools to Succeed)

We have definitely made a few mistakes, including letting a presenter make his own slides and then having to tell him at the last minute that they needed to change. It didn't go over well. We should have been much clearer with what we wanted from him.

我们肯定犯了一些错误,包括让演示者自己制作幻灯片,然后必须在最后一刻告诉他他们需要更改。 进行得不好。 我们本应从他那里得到什么要更加清楚。

Now, everyone receives a boilerplate slide deck from us as well as a list of topics to cover. We also connect with them several times to go over the progress in their presentation to make sure it's on the right track.

现在,每个人都会收到我们提供的样板幻灯片以及要涵盖的主题列表。 我们还会与他们联系几次,以检查演示文稿的进度,以确保进度正确。

Right now, we have a volunteer handbook, lesson plans and slide decks for teaching, guidelines for mentoring, and google drive folder where we keep all of the documentation for the program, student progress, curriculum materials, and future plans. We recently re-organized all of these materials to make them easier to locate when we need them.

现在,我们有志愿者手册,教学计划和幻灯片,指导指南以及Google Drive文件夹,其中保存了该计划,学生进度,课程资料和未来计划的所有文档。 我们最近重新组织了所有这些材料,以使它们在需要时更易于查找。

As this program grows, we are going to need to manage more volunteers and even paid staff. We are preparing for this by documenting our processes to make onboarding a little bit smoother each time.

随着该计划的发展,我们将需要管理更多的志愿者,甚至是带薪员工。 我们正在通过记录我们的流程来使每次入职变得更流畅来为此做准备。

社区伙伴 (Community Partners)

We are currently trying to form community partnerships to get sponsors for funding as well as donations of tech equipment.


Some of our students don't have access to good computers or a fast internet connection. The library provided those things for us when we hosted in person classes, but it's been more difficult now that we are remote.

我们的一些学生无法使用优质的计算机或快速的互联网连接。 当我们主持人类课程时,图书馆为我们提供了这些东西,但是现在我们变得遥远了,变得更加困难。

Also, libraries only have limited hours, and, for students who work multiple jobs or have other family obligations, it can be difficult to make the time to do all of the class work during the day. This is why the sponsorship of community partners is so important to making our program accessible.

此外,图书馆的工作时间有限,而且对于从事多项工作或承担其他家庭义务的学生而言,可能很难抽出时间在白天完成所有课堂工作。 这就是为什么社区合作伙伴的赞助对于使我们的计划可访问性如此重要的原因。

In the future, we hope to be able to provide internet access and laptop computers for students who need them.


整理 (Organizing)

营销学 (Marketing)

We don't have any marketing experts on our team. Our marketing efforts basically consist of making sure we keep our branding that we agreed upon - colors, verbiage, etc. - consistent and collectively sharing updates on social media.

我们的团队中没有任何营销专家。 我们的营销工作基本上包括确保我们一致同意的品牌-颜色,文字等-在社交媒体上保持一致并集体共享更新。

Fortunately, I have a small following on , LinkedIn, and other platforms where I have been able to solicit volunteers and get some community interest in our program.

幸运的是,我在 ,LinkedIn和其他平台上拥有少量追随者,在这些平台上我已经能够招募志愿者并引起社区对我们计划的兴趣。

The public library has also been helpful with reaching out to many different communities and pulling in students that we might never have been able to reach otherwise.


As we grow, we might start expanding our social media reach, but with a limited budget right now, we are just gaining traction organically.


远程直播 (Remote Livestreams)

Hosting remote livestreams has been challenging. Internet connections sometimes drop, plus there is a learning curve for students to be able to use the software.

托管远程直播非常困难。 互联网连接有时会下降,此外,学生还需要学习才能使用该软件。

Discord has been a great option for us, because we can host livestreams inside of the app where all of our chats and everything else are located. This way, we only have to explain how to use one piece of software.

Discord对我们来说是一个不错的选择,因为我们可以在所有聊天和其他所有内容所在的应用程序内部托管直播。 这样,我们只需要解释如何使用一个软件即可。

In addition, Discord allows us to screen share with up to 50 people at a time in the voice chat rooms. And that's all for free! We looked into Zoom and some other tools, but we are going to stick with Discord until we need - and can afford - something with more features.

此外,Discord允许我们在语音聊天室中一次与多达50个人进行屏幕共享。 而这一切都是免费的! 我们研究了Zoom和其他一些工具,但我们会坚持使用Discord,直到我们需要-并负担得起-具有更多功能的东西为止。

成立和资金 (Incorporating & Funding)

We wanted to start asking companies and people for funding so we had to incorporate as a non-profit last year. In the US, this process takes about six months. We first had to register as a company with our state and then draw up business documents and apply for non-profit status with the federal government.

我们想开始向公司和人员寻求资金,因此去年我们不得不以非营利组织形式成立。 在美国,此过程大约需要六个月。 我们首先必须在州政府注册为公司,然后起草商业文件并向联邦政府申请非营利身份。

At the beginning of this year, we finally got confirmation that we are a 501c3 non-profit organization! Now we are trying to work out ways of getting funding and taking donations. We're going to add a 'donate' button to our website and we are also reaching out to companies to solicit larger donations. There have also been some internal discussions about whether or not crowdfunding is a good idea.

在今年年初,我们终于得到证实,我们是501c3非营利组织! 现在,我们正在尝试寻找筹集资金和接受捐款的方法。 我们将在网站上添加一个“捐赠”按钮,我们还将与公司联系以募集更多捐款。 关于众筹是否是一个好主意,也进行了一些内部讨论。

Do you have any suggestions for us in this area? Please leave a comment on this article or reach out to us at contact@freecodeschoolindy.com.

您在这方面对我们有什么建议吗? 请对本文发表评论或通过contact@freecodeschoolindy.com与我们联系。

通讯工具 (Communication Tools)

论坛 (Forum)

As previously mentioned, we started off using a Discourse forum, but found that it was hard to maintain and wasn't meeting our needs. People found it hard to use, especially on mobile. We also had trouble getting staff and students to login and check it often enough to make it worth the effort. That is why we got rid of the forum and moved our whole program over to Discord.

如前所述,我们从使用Discourse论坛开始,但是发现它很难维护并且无法满足我们的需求。 人们发现很难使用它,尤其是在移动设备上。 我们也很难让工作人员和学生登录并经常检查它,因此值得付出努力。 这就是为什么我们放弃了该论​​坛并将整个程序移至Discord的原因。

不和谐 (Discord)

We now have a Discord server set up for the whole coding school! We use it to host live lectures - we can have up to 50 people in the voice chat and screen share with them at the same time, manage students, organize volunteer activities, coach speakers, answer questions, do group projects, review portfolios, and perform administrative tasks.

现在,我们为整个编码学校设置了Discord服务器! 我们使用它举办现场讲座-我们最多可以有50个人进行语音聊天并与他们进行屏幕共享,管理学生,组织志愿者活动,讲主讲,回答问题,进行小组项目,审查档案袋,以及执行管理任务。

Having everything in one place has been the best decision we have ever made. Not only are our costs lower, but it makes the program administration so much easier. Everyone we need to interact with is either already on Discord, or just needs to be invited to Discord :)

将所有内容都放在一个地方是我们做出的最佳决定。 我们不仅降低了成本,而且使程序管理变得非常容易。 我们需要与之互动的每个人都已经在Discord上,或者只需要被邀请加入Discord :)

毕业 (Graduation)

We had grand plans of doing our first in-person graduation for students this year. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, those plans had to be scrapped. We had to make do with mailing out certificates to students who completed the program and giving everyone a (virtual) pat on the back for finishing.

我们已经制定了宏伟的计划,今年将为学生进行首次面对面的毕业。 不幸的是,由于COVID-19,这些计划不得不被取消。 我们必须将证书邮寄给完成课程的学生,并在背面给每个人(虚拟)拍打,以完成课程。

Now that our classes are virtual, we would love to be able to do something fun for the graduation of our second cohort at the end of August. Do you have any ideas? Let us know if you do.

既然我们的课程是虚拟的,我们希望能够在八月底的第二届毕业生毕业典礼上做些有趣的事情。 你有什么想法? 让我们知道您是否愿意。

结论 (Conclusion)

Putting this program together might have been the hardest thing I've ever done. It's a lot of work but very rewarding. It can be life-changing for students.

把这个程序放在一起可能是我做过的最难的事情。 这是很多工作,但非常有意义。 对于学生来说,这可能会改变生活。

It wasn't just me though: There was a team of people helping out and none of this would have happened without them.


I want to give special thanks to , Casssandra Bautista, Marianne Mckenzie, , freeCodeCamp, and all of our wonderful volunteers – all of whom were crucial in putting this program together.

我要特别感谢 ,Casssandra Bautista,Marianne Mckenzie, ,freeCodeCamp,以及我们所有出色的志愿者-所有这些对于将这一计划整合在一起至关重要。

We are working on open-sourcing our curriculum we used – slides, projects, freeCodeCamp challenges, supplementary material, and so on. It's taking a little bit of time to put everything together in a nice format, but be patient, we will get it out to anyone who is interested soon :)

我们正在努力开放我们使用的课程的资源-幻灯片,项目,freeCodeCamp挑战,补充材料等等。 将所有内容以一种不错的格式组合在一起需要花费一些时间,但是请耐心等待,我们会尽快将其提供给任何有兴趣的人:)

I'm interested in your thoughts. Do you have any ideas for things we can do better next time around? Please reach out to me and let me know.

我对你的想法感兴趣。 您对我们下次可以做得更好的事情有任何想法吗? 请与我联系,让我知道。

My Twitter:


My YouTube:


Program Website:





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